The Mystery of Repetitive Number Patterns
Colleen Fritz
Are you experiencing patterns in numbers? You are not alone. At first, we may try to explain it to ourselves through “interesting coincidence”, but then it remains repetitive in ways that seem to defy mere coincidence. And if you are like most people that I have spoken with, it feels as if it’s a message, even if we don’t know from whom the message comes. As it continues, it may begin to feel a little uneasy, but eventually it becomes an occurrence that just cannot be explained; a quirky happenstance. Perhaps you are at the point where you are researching to see if there are others talking about your experience. Faceless strangers on the Internet bravely stepping one foot out over the abyss as they talk or write about their repetitive number experience. Websites of Angel numbers abound to try and explain what’s going on here, and so you spend a little time here and there reading about 111 or 222 or your date of birth showing itself over and over again. Still others see it as a sign of prophecy and begin to reach for the holy Bible, the Quran, the Sefer Yetzirah, and other spiritual works which discuss numerical significance. There is much to read and I have read exhaustively. And the truth of it is that I had absolutely no idea why I started seeing 222 one week after my dog Charlie was run over by an elderly couple on September 22, 2003.
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